Звать товарисча: work101. Линк на товарисча: Аськи, предложеные на форуме и конкретно мне на стену: 610077819, 609052618, 640871593. Так же предлогал йаху на форуме: . Товарисч предложил услуги в продаже CC UK Fullz + Pin по цене 20 долларов за штуку, после оплаты начала изничтожать мой мозг дезинформацией. Сделка была недопроведена на сумму в 60$ LR. По оплате услуги я не получил должного сервиса, более того - персона вышеперечисленая и вовсе начала меня игнорировать. На угрозу блека не реагирует не как. Я бы минус поставил в репу, но олени вроди как только + могут ставить. Сумма - 60 долларов либерти резерва. Лог из аськи: cine dumps 14:52 yep am here Alex Whocares 14:52 fuck yea Alex Whocares 14:53 let's change your cards for some liberty reserve dollars cine dumps 14:53 i dnt understand u Alex Whocares 14:53 so i need cards you need dollars cine dumps 14:53 yep cine dumps 14:54 i hav card ready Alex Whocares 14:54 nice cine dumps 14:54 u said u will buy today Alex Whocares 14:54 yea gimme your LR cine dumps 14:54 u2715092 Alex Whocares 14:54 how much for 3 of them? full UK + PIN cine dumps 14:55 60$ for 3pcs fresh Alex Whocares 14:55 ok Alex Whocares 15:00 Payment Mode Account Date 09/17/2012 13:58 Batch 110709035 From U606**** (lukich) To U271**** (real deal) Amount $60.00 Memo For 3. Payment Purpose Purchase of services sent cine dumps 15:01 ok 1min let me send u fullz Alex Whocares 15:01 okay Alex Whocares 15:02 can you do it on the mail or somehow else in file? cine dumps 15:02 that is 5pcs then i do email or attachment but this is just 3pcs Alex Whocares 15:02 ooh ok cine dumps 15:03 but u can add 30lr and i will add 3pcs makin 5pcs then i send to u email Alex Whocares 15:03 i need to refill my lr .. Alex Whocares 15:04 it's going to take some time... just send it like that cine dumps 15:04 ok np Alex Whocares 15:04 and how much time do we have for a check? cine dumps 15:04 for replacemnt or check Alex Whocares 15:05 replacement+check from your side guys are just doing some settings right now so i even don't know Alex Whocares 15:06 may be it'll take like 2 hours to start working with them cine dumps 15:06 ok Alex Whocares 15:06 so how much time do i have for replacement? cine dumps 15:06 replacement is 48hrs Alex Whocares 15:06 ok cine dumps 15:06 so u hav much time Alex Whocares 15:06 we'll do today or tomorrow yea it's too much thanks anyway cine dumps 15:06 tomorow Alex Whocares 15:12 here? Alex Whocares 15:37 wtf, dude? have no time to spend in ICQ. Where are the cc's? Alex Whocares 16:21 heeey? Alex Whocares 16:32 here? Alex Whocares 16:51 ? Alex Whocares 19:00 so, what about cc's? Alex Whocares 21:28 hello? cine dumps 21:29 yep ?? fuckin things bro databise fukin my ass Alex Whocares 21:29 okay, lr back? Alex Whocares 21:30 untill you will fix it i'll buy another stuff cine dumps 21:30 what u mean lr is back Alex Whocares 21:30 i mean - how about refund? cine dumps 21:31 i want to get u oder now but they hav uincreased the 3pcs to 5pcs that is why Alex Whocares 21:32 t yea, but i can't pay for 5 pc's cine dumps 21:33 am tryin to help u from my side Alex Whocares 21:33 so you can take 5 pc's and may be tomorrow if everything will be fine with these 3, i'll buy the rest cine dumps 21:34 am tryin to add my own lr to get u order but my lr is 30pcs 30lr and i need 10lr to add cine dumps 21:38 ?? Alex Whocares 21:39 Alex Whocares 21:40 are you still trying to rip me? cine dumps 21:40 naah Alex Whocares 21:40 how about my 60 back? untill u'll get these 3 for me? Alex Whocares 21:41 cine dumps 14:53 yep cine dumps 14:54 i hav card ready cine dumps is offline The message will be delivered when the contact goes Available. Send SMS Alex Whocares 21:41 now it is 21:41 and i still haven't got them Alex Whocares 19/09/2012 19:47 so, what will you tell me? Alex Whocares 19/09/2012 19:48 it is third day now.. Alex Whocares 19/09/2012 20:21 so... you are ignoring me now? Alex Whocares 19/09/2012 20:31 okay, I'm about to write a black list for you. Recent messages cine dumps is away Alex Whocares 00:24 so, what do you think about getting in black list? Ответа так и не дождался, прошу решить проблему. ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 05:45 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 05:03 AM ---------- Оповестил в аське. К сожалению нет прав на ЛС. Будьте так добры, многоуважаемыем модераторы - воспользоваться привелегиями личных сообщений и написать этому товарисчу о возможном изменении его статуса. Заранее при много благодарен. )
His another nicknames is: attack r3dz0n3 C4N4D4 H4ck p-crds workindumps Wizard1 Gril Known ICQ numbers of Ripper is: 640871593 609052618 866522 645778 + also he advert not a dump shop, but some Rippers board - so take care.