Brady 6:12 PM Hi, Brakis iz forum teba est eti xx itunes da? sms service 6:14 PM da iz kakogo foruma? Brady 6:13 PM Brady 6:14 PM Brakis slil teba PM toze no angliski mne kazetsa sms service 6:15 PM est itunes Brady 6:15 PM okei skolko est takie i po skolko? sms service 6:15 PM seichas paru shtuk po sotke cenu sam predlagai Brady 6:15 PM 50$ za 10$ prodaes? sms service 6:16 PM u menya netu 50, tolko sotk iseichas Brady 6:16 PM togda 20$ LR za odin? sms service 6:18 PM da Brady 6:18 PM okei gde slit? sms service 6:18 PM vmisle? Brady 6:18 PM LR sms service 6:19 PM gde slit? ili kuda slat? Brady 6:19 PM nu blya mozem po angliski toze govorit togda esli ne ponimaes sms service 6:21 PM ya neponyal chto ti imel vvidu pod "okei gde slit"? Brady 6:21 PM LR akkik tvoi sms service 6:22 PM U6088741 Brady 6:23 PM You are trying to send money to a limited account. Please contact account owner for more information. sms service 6:24 PM sec sms service 6:25 PM gotovo Brady 6:25 PM Payment Mode Account Date 01/25/2012 16:25 Batch 82911382 From U3019651 (Ussn82) To U6088741 (Wazzzzzap) Amount $20.00 Memo Payment Purpose Purchase of services sms service 6:26 PM ok sec sms service is offline The message will be delivered when the contact goes Available. Send SMS
Brakis, have you read this This man have ripped me for 100 dollars, i posted black at him and now hes trying to make me a ripper.... Be careful!!!!