Код: Avon AVN Bedfordshire BDF Berkshire BRK Borders BOR Buckinghamshire BKM Cambridgeshire CAM Central CEN Cheshire CHS Cleveland CLV Clwyd CWD Cornwall CON County Antrim ANT County Armagh ARM County Down DOW County Fermanagh FER County Londonderry LDY County Tyrone TYR Cumbria CMA Derbyshire DBY Devon DEV Dorset DOR Dumfries and Galloway DFS Durham DUR Dyfed DFD East Sussex ESX Essex ESS Fife FIF Gloucestershire GLS Grampian GMP Greater Manchester GTM Gwent GNT Gwynedd County GWN Hampshire HAM Herefordshire HEF Hertfordshire HRT Humberside HUM Isle of Wight IOW Kent KEN Lancashire LAN Leicestershire LEI Lincolnshire LIN Lothian LTN London LND Merseyside MSY Mid Glamorgan MGM Norfolk NFK North Yorkshire NRY Northamptonshire NTH Northumberland NBL Nottinghamshire NTT Oxfordshire OXF Powys POW Rutland RUT Shropshire SAL Somerset SOM Sheffield SHF Staffordshire STS Suffolk SFK Surrey SRY Tayside TAY Tyne and Wear TYR Warwickshire WAR West Midlands WMD Wiltshire WIL Worcestershire WOR Links: hXXp://www.curiousfox.com/ hXXp://www.gbet.com/AtoZ_counties/