Nick : NOTHING Icq : 639592546 REFUSE USE ESCROW FOR SELL HIS FRENCH ID !!!! he pretend HE dont work with Wmz and very big fees to use exchanger for cashout the money !!!! i offer to pay this fees but he NOT ACCEPT !!! SUSPICIOUS OF RIPPER ATTEMPT !! see chat : because iam reseller, fake id i pay in cash or in WU, so i need to pay in Be WU.i dont care how you pay customer, i just want to Be in pay WU N0thing16: 11 bitch wmz only I can not we want you cash $ Efyu16: 11 use exchanger when admin pay the escrow money N0thing16: 12 ... wmz - wu costs me my provider WU lol i lost 50% dma com $ Efyu16: 13 so how are we doing? N0thing16: 13 I put a video a provision, as i have the dvd after, those who want trust me others it passes their path $ Efyu16: 14 BUT like you want the money and after u Sending ID i? N0thing16: 14 not listen there will be a video which shows the farication A - Z $ Efyu16: 14 OK ok N0thing16: 14 then $ Efyu16: 14 but such I want one NOW ! how you doing? N0thing16: 15 I did produce to the information that you wish I tSending pic finished work you pay me I tSending ok you told me once that your view photos $ Efyu16: 15 PBS VIDEO NO PHOTO N0thing16: 15 another video your cni? $ Efyu16: 15 YES N0thing16: 16 ok, once done, you are ready to pay ? 700? $ Efyu16: 16 NOT A PROBLEM N0thing16: 16 ok $ Efyu16 17 WHEN you can do? N0thing16: 18 so let me get my Xth CNI Me + map + the test dvd, jai after all, you give me his: 1.Street 2.Prenom 3.Date birth 4.POINT birth 5.taille Complete 6.adresse has to appear on the map 1.7 passport photo scanned in color 8.1 e-mail address to send you photos of finished work 1.9 address to send the completed documents $ Efyu16: 18 JHA not say a video camera N0thing16: 18 yes N0thing16: 19 c a copy paste!! a * Efyu16 $: 19 not descrow N0thing16: 19 not $ Efyu16: 19 I pay 800 EUR N0thing16: 19 ? If Escrow? $ Efyu16: 19 yes N0thing16: 19 not, for the simple reason i no time to lose a fair WU 4 I think but N0thing16: 20 the video of fabricatrion + Your card + Photos its enough, right? $ Efyu16 20 I think your a ripper accept escrow thats all N0thing16: 20 listen $ Efyu16: 20 not N0thing16 20 I ave no work $ Efyu16: 20 Escrow or rip there was no talk $ Efyu16: 21 or not no blah or will make you check as seller N0thing16: 21 how it is verified, ? $ Efyu16: 22 pays 500 wmz the forum and send a sample or two has admin stells N0thing16: 22 ahahahaahah for 500wmz buggers it will do, but I can send the card with dessu "admin" "", that of the video, no worries $ Efyu16: 23 lol I carry your attempt ok Ripper N0thing16: 23 damn, sucks thee a 4 friends N0thing16: 24 can confirm I not rip $ Efyu16: 24 lol STUPID RIPPER !!! THIS 2010 YEARS ARE PLENTY §§§§