Julino is a joke and a ripper [This is amusing]

Тема в разделе "КИДАЛЫ", создана пользователем Omega-, 29 июн 2012.

  1. Omega-

    Omega- New Member

    First off to start this thread isnt being made to get anything and if this isnt enough to get him banned im not concerned I just want to show people how sad this kid is.

    So I have a post requesting bin lists and balance checking methods and Julino pms me saying :

    "Id give u good bins that are non vbv wit high balance. Uk cc. Add rep for me and I Will"

    So i sent him give me a sample so I know you have and he sends some bin to I +rep him assuming that he wouldnt just bail for a +rep haha.

    And then no response and he posts on my original thread that

    "I gave u one and the other were on my laptop which wasnt with me then. Besides, I never sold to u but just wanted to offer help."

    As if thats an excuse " I never sold to u but just wanted to offer help"

    Haha so the point of this thread is just to show anyone considering doing business with this kid that he is not worthy of your time and will rip you off.

    Would also recommend banning this little weasel.

  2. w.utransfers

    w.utransfers New Member

    i agree this guy aint safe firstly he popped up on another thread acusing me of being someone else with no proof what so ever trying to put badness on my name, and also have spoke to him on icq about ccs he claimed to have a private vendor on yahoo who wanted lr for a bulk order he only does bulk who i beleive to be him tryinging to rip me for lr although i have no proof of this so i would also advise people to approach or deal with causion
  3. Omega-

    Omega- New Member

    Haha and for posting this I get rep fucked by a couple of kids?

    Yeah this system works great

    Anyway I dont really care but just shows Junilo and his clones / Buddies are kids who need a maturity check..

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