hustla is a really Ripper

Тема в разделе "КИДАЛЫ", создана пользователем portado00, 11 июн 2011.

  1. portado00

    portado00 New Member

    hustla 5/23/2011 1:02 AM
    hustla has added you
    portado 6/10/2011 9:13 PM

    hello bro
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:21 PM
    You added hustla
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:21 PM

    hello bro
    portado 6/10/2011 9:21 PM

    bin list bro
    hustla got not final BASE EU (small USA) very good valid!!! this base one week old!

    eu 101 classic/standart 75$
    eu 101 gold/plat 100$
    eu 101 biz/sign/purch/corp/world 125$

    eu 201 classic/standart 50$
    eu 201 gold/plat 75$
    eu 201 biz/sign/purch/corp/world 100$

    usa classic/standart 15$
    usa gold/plat 30$
    usa biz/sign/purch/corp/world 40$

    accept LR+6% fee(min 300$); WMZ no fee(min 300$); WU+10% fee(min 600$)
    bro usa bin list
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:32 PM

    give me bins of US what u need or bank names
    portado 6/10/2011 9:33 PM

    i need usa corp,purch
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:34 PM

    portado 6/10/2011 9:34 PM

    ok bro
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:34 PM

    101 only?
    portado 6/10/2011 9:34 PM

    ok any
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:36 PM

    a Wilmington Delaware DE NEW

    portado 6/10/2011 9:47 PM

    portado 6/10/2011 9:48 PM

    bro i will add my fun and make orders but for now let me have this 6 bins
    portado 6/10/2011 9:48 PM

    i like all the bins but no have more fun now
    portado 6/10/2011 9:55 PM

    u there?
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:55 PM

    for this 240$
    portado 6/10/2011 9:55 PM

    ok your lr
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:56 PM

    if via LR + 6% fee == 255$
    U2925196 255$ memo: payment order 10.06
    portado 6/10/2011 9:58 PM

    bro i only have 240 that is why i am buying 6
    hustla 6/10/2011 9:58 PM

    so ok in next order send add 15$
    portado 6/10/2011 10:00 PM

    ok bro but why only u charge 6% for orders?
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:01 PM

    my echanger got 6% if i echange LR to other money
    portado 6/10/2011 10:01 PM

    and your price to its hight with 6% too,bro
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:02 PM

    bro this standart prices for usa
    portado 6/10/2011 10:02 PM

    payment was done
    portado 6/10/2011 10:02 PM

    Batch 63048307
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:03 PM

    ok bro where ready send u asap
    portado 6/10/2011 10:05 PM

    no bro i disagrre with you,i deal with alot of sellers,like cocaino,capac,pradd,fozzy and panther,their price was not high like this
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:06 PM

    portado 6/10/2011 10:06 PM

    anyway let me have this bins and we can deal with the price later,because i buy alot every 5 days
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:08 PM

    ok bro this good
    portado 6/10/2011 10:10 PM

    ok waiting for the order
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:10 PM

    portado 6/10/2011 10:23 PM

    portado 6/10/2011 10:23 PM

    how long it take to get me this order bro
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:25 PM

    i think in next hours will ready
    portado 6/10/2011 10:26 PM

    for just 6 bins wow
    portado 6/10/2011 10:26 PM

    100 bin will take 2 years then
    hustla 6/10/2011 10:27 PM

    no... this bins from base my partner for delivery need time
    portado 6/10/2011 10:28 PM

    bro i dont think so,we in this business for long and i know what i am talking about
    portado 6/10/2011 11:26 PM

    i am still waiting for my orders
    portado 6/11/2011 1:12 AM

    so u ripp me right ?
    portado 6/11/2011 2:19 AM

    ok bro i am still waiting and if u dont send me my orders then i will past ripp on the forum
    hustla 6/11/2011 2:55 AM

    bro im not ripper... where ur order ready send u asap.. pls dont worry
    portado 6/11/2011 2:58 AM

    i dont need the order again just return my lr for me
    portado 6/12/2011 12:20 AM

    bro it been a day noe u did not give me my order,
    ok then forum will hear that
  2. AndyDufresne

    AndyDufresne New Member

    link to his profile ?.
  3. ModerUSA

    ModerUSA Moderator Модератор форума VIP

    Double spam thread.

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