05.02 perevol 60wmz za Ebay gift card. CDD tinul rizinu , gavaril shto est paru prablem ! dengi nevazrashaet, na forume sidit nu v ISQ neatvechaet ! kak manimaju CDD eta tot zhe Fozzy kinu paru logov : alabama (05.02.2010 17:40): hi CDD (05.02.2010 17:58): CDD (589840825) добавил вас CDD (05.02.2010 17:58): hi alabama (05.02.2010 17:58): i FROM CARDER.INFO alabama (05.02.2010 17:58): I need GC ! alabama (05.02.2010 17:58): ebay ! alabama (05.02.2010 17:58): have ? CDD (05.02.2010 17:58): yes 50wmz/lr alabama (05.02.2010 17:59): ok CDD (05.02.2010 17:59): by the way CDD (05.02.2010 17:59): im selling 50% of the company CDD (05.02.2010 17:59): if u wan CDD (05.02.2010 17:59): 700wmz u get all info how to card them so they last how to 100% ship etc alabama (05.02.2010 18:00): ou sorry I dont need alabama (05.02.2010 18:00): dont have so much money CDD (05.02.2010 18:00): hehe ok alabama (05.02.2010 18:00): you have card now ? or you need card it ? alabama (05.02.2010 18:00): I ready to pay ! CDD (05.02.2010 18:00): what way u paying CDD (05.02.2010 18:00): wmz CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): or lr? CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): Вы добавили CDD alabama (05.02.2010 18:01): wmz CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): ok u can pay now but wait a while CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): because i need to take time CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): and i will tell u how to use CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): u must have a paypal with cc attached to use CDD (05.02.2010 18:01): but it easy just buy vcc alabama (05.02.2010 18:02): whan a fuck is vcc ? alabama (05.02.2010 18:02): I have paypal without cc alabama (05.02.2010 18:02): i cant use it ? CDD (05.02.2010 18:03): i can sell u with vcc CDD (05.02.2010 18:03): 70wmz for with vcc alabama (05.02.2010 18:03): I have only 60 CDD (05.02.2010 18:03): ok CDD (05.02.2010 18:03): ill take tht CDD (05.02.2010 18:03): but u owe me 10 alabama (05.02.2010 18:03): ok alabama (05.02.2010 18:03): how much time you need CDD (05.02.2010 18:04): what country is ur pp CDD (05.02.2010 18:04): so i can get u vcc CDD (05.02.2010 18:04): and will need a while CDD (05.02.2010 18:04): my wmz = alabama (05.02.2010 18:04): LATVIA alabama (05.02.2010 18:05): I cant buy anything vith my pp ? alabama (05.02.2010 18:05): I have pp without cc CDD (05.02.2010 18:05): Z419144224871 CDD (05.02.2010 18:05): Yes but u need cc CDD (05.02.2010 18:05): so i will get u a vcc CDD (05.02.2010 18:05): which is a virtual cc alabama (05.02.2010 18:06): ok alabama (05.02.2010 18:06): I pay already CDD (05.02.2010 18:06): ok alabama (05.02.2010 18:07): i have only 20 min alabama (05.02.2010 18:07): you can do that now CDD (05.02.2010 18:07): add this to ur paypal alabama (05.02.2010 18:07): ok CDD (05.02.2010 18:08): Card Number : 4042 7603****** Card Type : VISA Card Issue Date : 05/02/2010 Expiry : 05/10 CVV2 : *** CDD (05.02.2010 18:08): and confirm it alabama (05.02.2010 18:08): ok CDD (05.02.2010 18:08): then ill give confirm code alabama (05.02.2010 18:08): ok CDD (05.02.2010 18:10): added? alabama (05.02.2010 18:10): yes CDD (05.02.2010 18:10): confirmed? alabama (05.02.2010 18:11): need pp code alabama (05.02.2010 18:12): resend pp code ? alabama (05.02.2010 18:12): bro .. ? CDD (05.02.2010 18:14): 3280 alabama (05.02.2010 18:15): ok verified alabama (05.02.2010 18:16): next ? CDD (05.02.2010 18:16): we wait for gc not sure if i be 20 min tho alabama (05.02.2010 18:17): ok I need to go ! mayby when you get GC code you can sand me in mesage ? CDD (05.02.2010 18:17): no i will wait for u to come online CDD (05.02.2010 18:17): because mus tbe used quite quick alabama (05.02.2010 18:17): ok ! about after 2h ! alabama (05.02.2010 18:17): ok ! alabama (05.02.2010 18:17): ? alabama (05.02.2010 18:19): bro .. ok ? CDD (05.02.2010 18:19): kk alabama (05.02.2010 18:19): 2h alabama (05.02.2010 18:19): CDD (05.02.2010 18:19): i may not be online CDD (05.02.2010 18:19): but dotn worry CDD (05.02.2010 18:19): ull have it alabama (05.02.2010 18:19): ok alabama (05.02.2010 20:26): bro ? alabama (05.02.2010 21:09): ? alabama (06.02.2010 0:15): bro ? alabama (06.02.2010 0:22): ok when you are online plz send me msg on carder.info ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 02:03 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 01:57 AM ---------- naverna sastavil nepravilno nu hot ludji znat budut
alabama, из логов видно , что ты получил карту, конфирмнул её в пайпал, CDD тебе продиктовал код. В чем же проблема?
eta on mne virtual CC dal shtob peipal pashol ! a gift gard ja vot nepaluchil ! vchira 5 cheso on tipa delal, patom mne neotvechal, a kogda black uvidel napisal shto sidit so svaivo Iphona karoch doma ivo netu apat i nihuja zdelat nemozet
SORTED THIS PROBLEM OUT TODAY! THANKS. ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 11:29 PM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 11:29 PM ---------- sorting is what i meant!
BRO MAYBI YOU CAN ANSWER ME ---------- Сообщение добавлено в 01:22 AM ---------- Предыдущее сообщение размещено в 01:07 AM ---------- seravno na PM neotvechaet
someone was waiting longer than u i just paid them there gc etc. come on icq when uc an to tell u how long to wait.